Current Series: The Gospel of Mark
Join us on Sundays as we journey through the Gospel of Mark—a fast-paced, action-packed account of Jesus’ life, ministry, and mission. Mark invites us to see Jesus not just as a teacher, but as the Servant-King who came to proclaim the kingdom of God and lay down His life for sinners. Through this series, we’ll encounter His authority, compassion, and call to true discipleship in a way that challenges and transforms us. Whether you’re new to the faith or have been following Jesus for years, Mark’s Gospel will deepen your understanding of who He is and what it means to follow Him. Don’t miss this opportunity to be shaped by God’s Word and grow together in worship, community, and mission
Each week, you can access our pastor's sermon notes below. These notes are designed to deepen your love for God’s Word and ignite greater affection for Jesus. There are study questions available to be used at home and in our gospel community groups.
Weekly Pastor's Notes & Study Guide
Notes & Study Guide for Mark
Check out our Pastor's notes below to help you in your understanding of God's Word. In addition, you will find study questions for use in our gospel community groups.
Who wrote this Gospel?
The Gospel of Mark, is traditionally attributed to John Mark. It is the shortest and most fast-paced of the four Gospels. John Mark was an early companion of the Apostle Paul during his missionary journeys before later traveling with Barnabas(Acts 15:36-41).
Eventually, John Mark partnered with the Apostle Peter in Rome. According to early church tradition—most notably from Papias of Hierapolis (c. 125 AD)—Mark recorded Peter’s firsthand accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry. As a result, the Gospel of Mark is a vivid, action-packed retelling of Christ’s works, focusing more on what Jesus did rather than lengthy teachings or discourses. Unlike Matthew and Luke, which provide a more detailed biography of Jesus’ life, Mark offers a concise, fast-moving account—more like a skeleton framework of His ministry, highlighting His authority, miracles, and mission as the suffering Servant and Son of God.
When was it written?
Scholars generally date the Gospel of Mark to the early-to-mid 60s AD, making it the earliest of the four Gospels. It was written during a period of growing persecution in the Roman Empire under Emperor Nero, which may explain Mark’s emphasis on Jesus as the suffering Servant (Isaiah 53) and His call for faithful discipleship amid trials.
Most conservative scholars believe Mark wrote his Gospel after Peter’s martyrdom under Nero but before the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
To whom was it written?
Mark’s Gospel, though anonymous, has been historically attributed to John Mark, a close associate of both Paul and Peter. Early church tradition, including the writings of Papias, affirms that Mark served as Peter’s interpreter, carefully recording his eyewitness accounts of Jesus. Unlike the more detailed and structured narratives of Matthew and Luke, Mark’s Gospel moves quickly and urgently, emphasizing action and immediacy. Written between the late 50s and late 60s AD, likely in the aftermath of the Great Fire of Rome, Mark’s account was a source of encouragement for persecuted Christians, offering a vivid portrayal of Jesus as the victorious Son of God who triumphs through suffering.
Mark opens his Gospel not with genealogies or birth narratives, but with a bold theological declaration: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the fulfillment of God’s promises. He connects this moment to Old Testament prophecies, particularly Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3, which foretold the arrival of a messenger preparing the way for the Lord. That messenger is John the Baptist, a figure reminiscent of Elijah, who appears in the wilderness calling people to repentance. His baptism signified a need for cleansing and a readiness for the One who would bring true salvation. Yet, John himself acknowledged his own limitations—his baptism could symbolize repentance, but it could not wash away sin. Only Jesus, who would later submit to baptism not because He needed cleansing, but to identify with sinners, could accomplish that work.
John’s mission was to prepare the way, pointing people to Jesus both visually, through his appearance, and vocally, through his message. Clothed like Elijah, he stood as a prophetic figure calling for repentance, but he also humbly declared that he was unworthy even to untie Jesus’ sandals. His baptism was merely preparatory, while Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit, bringing true transformation. And here, even at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel, we see a foreshadowing of the cross. Just as Jesus descended into the Jordan, symbolically taking on the sins of the people, He would later go to the cross, bearing their sins in full. Cleansing would not come from the waters of the Jordan but from the blood of the Son of God. And just as Jesus went down into the river, He would go into the tomb—only to rise again, bringing new life to all who trust in Him.
Sermon Outline
- The Prophecies about John’s Mission (vv1-3)
- The Proclamation of John’s Message (vv4-5)
- The Purpose of John’s Ministry (vv6-8)
Main Point – If you are in Christ, you have a better baptism than John’s baptism.
Study Questions
- Why do you think Mark begins his Gospel with the prophecies and mission of John the Baptist? Read Acts 10:34-48. How did Peter introduce the good news when preaching to the Gentiles?
- What are the similarities and differences between John’s baptism and believer’s baptism? Use relevant Scripture to support your answer.
- Why is the message of John’s preaching still relevant today? Read Psalm 51. How does this passage serve as a model for confession and repentance?
- In Matthew 3:8, John told the Pharisees to “bear fruit in keeping with repentance.” What did he mean by this? What does it look like to bear fruit that aligns with genuine repentance?
- John’s baptism was limited, but Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit. Why is this such good news for sinners?
In Mark 1:9-13, we witness the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus arrives at the Jordan River, seeking baptism from John, not because He needed cleansing, but to identify with humanity’s sin. This moment is profound, showing Jesus’ commitment to bear our shame and sin. The passage highlights the Trinitarian affirmation of Christ—God the Father declares Jesus His beloved Son, and the Spirit descends upon Him, marking the beginning of His mission.
Immediately after this, the Spirit drives Jesus into the wilderness, where He faces temptation from Satan. This moment underscores Jesus’ unique qualifications: He is the Chosen One, fulfilling prophecies, and is victorious where humanity failed, in overcoming temptation. His victory over Satan in the wilderness mirrors humanity’s original fall in the garden, but unlike Adam, Jesus remains faithful, securing our redemption.
In this passage, we see how Jesus uniquely cleanses our shame and secures our victory over death. Through His baptism, He identifies with our sin, and through His temptation, He remains victorious where we fall short. The Holy Spirit, who was with Him in the wilderness, continues to provide comfort and power to resist temptation.
Study Questions:
- What is the significance of Jesus’ baptism in Mark 1:9-11, and why did Jesus, being sinless, choose to be baptized?
- Consider the theological implications of Jesus identifying with humanity’s sin through baptism, as well as his fulfillment of prophecy and his commitment to the mission of redemption.
- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the baptism of Jesus (Mark 1:10-11)?
- Reflect on the symbolism of the dove descending upon Jesus and the voice from heaven affirming Jesus’ identity. How does this moment demonstrate the unity of the Trinity?
- What is the importance of the phrase “immediately” in Mark 1:12, and how does this fast pace contribute to the narrative of the Gospel according to Mark?
- Discuss the implications of Mark’s pacing and how it emphasizes the urgency of Jesus’ mission, especially in the context of Roman Christians under persecution.
- In Mark 1:12-13, why does the Spirit drive Jesus into the wilderness, and what is the significance of the 40 days of temptation?
- Examine the parallels between Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness and Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness. How does this highlight Jesus as the faithful and obedient one where Israel and humanity have failed?
- How does Jesus’ victory over temptation in Mark 1:12-13 demonstrate his unique qualifications in the conflict between good and evil?
- Examine how Jesus’ resistance to Satan’s temptations contrasts with Adam and humanity’s fall, pointing to Jesus as the “better Adam” and the ultimate victor over sin.
Reflection Questions:
- When you face guilt or shame in your own life, do you see Jesus as the ultimate cleanser who has taken away the stain of sin for you? If not, why?
- Reflect on how the imagery of Jesus’ baptism and temptation informs your understanding of Jesus’ work in removing your guilt and shame.
- What role does the Holy Spirit play in your own life when facing trials or temptations?
- Reflect on how the Holy Spirit’s presence and guidance in Jesus’ life might encourage you in your walk of faith, especially when facing difficulties.
- What methods might we use to be encouraged when facing temptations? What was Jesus’ practice when facing temptation.
- Discuss other passages that offer encouragement or guidance on how we are to face temptations.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer famously wrote, “When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die.” This statement captures the radical nature of true discipleship—when Jesus calls us, He transforms us. We become a new creation, breaking away from worldly attachments and idols to follow Him wholeheartedly. This is not an easy call; it requires a willingness to surrender everything because Jesus is now our ultimate treasure. Many wrestle with this reality, wondering if they truly must give up their comforts, relationships, and security. But this is the essence of discipleship: following the King demands a radical response, one of complete devotion and trust.
The King’s Demand: Radical Humility
Mark’s Gospel presents Jesus’ arrival as the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. His message is clear: “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). The kingdom is not merely a place but a divine intervention in human history, bringing salvation and judgment. Jesus’ call to repentance is not about mere regret but a radical turning from sin, a transformation that leads to faith. Repentance and belief are ongoing acts of humility, requiring us to acknowledge our complete dependence on Christ. Just as Jesus overcame the wilderness temptation, He now calls us to surrender our self-sufficiency and trust wholly in Him.
The King’s Summons: Radical Loyalty
Jesus not only calls His followers to humility but also to radical loyalty. When He calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John, they leave everything—career, family, and security—to follow Him. Unlike traditional rabbis, Jesus seeks out His disciples, offering them a mission to become “fishers of men.” This metaphor reflects the transformative power of the gospel, where following Christ means leaving behind the old life to embrace His mission. Discipleship is not about achieving worthiness but responding to grace with obedience. Whether following Jesus leads to foreign missions or ministering to a neighbor, it requires a willingness to surrender all. Jesus Himself set this example—leaving heaven, taking on flesh, and bearing our sin on the cross. If He gave up everything for us, how can we not respond with radical humility and radical loyalty?
Main Point – Following the King demands a radical response.
Outline – Two Responses the King Demands: 1. Radical Humility (vv14-15) & 2. Radical Loyalty (vv16-20)
Study Questions
- Why was Galilee a significant place for Jesus to begin His public ministry? How does this reflect the wisdom of God?
- In what ways was Jesus’ preaching (vv. 14-15) similar to that of John the Baptist? Why is this connection important?
- When Jesus calls the first disciples to follow Him, what is He asking of them? What are the implications of this call for us as believers today?
- Why must Jesus be the ultimate treasure of our hearts? What competing idols might be drawing your affection away from fully following Him?
- What gifts of grace has God given to equip us to respond to Jesus’ call and follow Him? Support your answer with Scripture.
A spiritual battle rages around us, whether we recognize it or not. From the persecution of Christians under Nero to the horrors of human trafficking, the evidence of Satan’s schemes is undeniable. Yet, this battle is not just seen in history—it is felt in our daily lives. Pain, sorrow, and brokenness surround us, all tracing back to humanity’s rebellion in the garden. Even our bodies bear the weight of sin’s curse, groaning for redemption. But in the midst of this darkness, there is hope. Jesus, the One who has bound the strongman, has overcome sin and death, bringing healing and restoration.
Mark’s Gospel highlights Jesus’ power and authority through His early miracles. After calling His first disciples, Jesus enters the synagogue in Capernaum and astonishes the crowd with His teaching—unlike the scribes, He speaks with divine authority. Suddenly, His teaching is interrupted by a man possessed by an unclean spirit. The demon immediately recognizes Jesus as the Holy One of God, but at a single command from Jesus, it is expelled. There is no struggle, no delay—just the absolute authority of the Creator-King over the forces of darkness. Yet, Jesus’ power is not only for casting out demons but also for restoring broken lives.
After leaving the synagogue, Jesus enters Simon Peter’s house, where Peter’s mother-in-law lies sick with a fever. Without a word, Jesus takes her by the hand and lifts her up, instantly restoring her. This simple act is a picture of His greater redemptive work—He heals because He knows He will soon take her place under the weight of sin’s curse. Just as He lifts her from her sickbed, He will one day rise from the grave, securing eternal redemption for all who trust in Him. While physical healing is temporary, Jesus offers something far greater—deliverance from sin and the promise of resurrection.
Mark then records that at sundown, multitudes come to Jesus for healing and deliverance. Yet, He silences the demons, refusing their testimony—His mission is not merely to perform miracles but to bring ultimate salvation. This passage challenges us: Do we pursue Jesus only for temporary relief, or do we long for the healing only He can provide? We eagerly seek physical well-being, yet often neglect the health of our souls and the urgency of leading others to the Savior. May we recognize that our deepest need is not just bodily healing, but redemption from sin, and may we bring both the sick and the lost to the only One who can truly restore.
Main Point – Only Jesus has the Power & Authority to Reverse the Curse
Outline – Two ways Jesus demonstrates His unique Power
- Only Jesus can destroy the works of Satan vv21-28
- Only Jesus can deliver from the effects of sin vv29-34
Study Questions
How do Jesus’ miracles—both casting out demons and healing the sick—serve as a preview of His ultimate redemptive work? In what ways does this give you hope?
Why do you think Mark chooses to record Jesus’ healing of a demon-possessed man as His first miracle? How might this have encouraged Mark’s original audience? How does it encourage you today?
In a single day, Jesus displays both His authority over Satan by casting out a demon and His compassion by healing Peter’s mother-in-law. How does this give you a comforting picture of Jesus? What other miracles of His bring you comfort during difficult times?
Read verse 32. Consider this contrast: People urgently sought Jesus for physical healing, yet we often show far less urgency when it comes to the spiritual well-being of ourselves and others. Why do you think this is? How does this passage challenge you to be more intentional in leading others to Jesus, the true healer of the soul?
- Satan’s schemes are real and actively at work in the world. Read Ephesians 6:10-18 and discuss the ways we can stand firm against his attacks. How does putting on the full armor of God equip us to resist the enemy and walk faithfully with Christ?
Every one of us has priorities. Whether we write them down or not, our daily choices reveal what we value most. Jesus, too, had priorities, and His life shows us what must shape our own. In Mark 1, after an exhausting day of ministry—preaching, casting out demons, and healing—Jesus did something unexpected. While most of us would have chosen rest, He rose early, withdrew to a desolate place, and prayed. In doing so, Jesus modeled a crucial priority: communion with the Father. He didn’t merely fit prayer into His schedule—He built His life around it. If the Son of God prioritized prayer, how much more should we?
But prayer wasn’t His only priority. As His fame grew and crowds sought Him out, the disciples urged Jesus to stay in Capernaum and continue healing. Yet, Jesus made it clear—His mission was to preach the gospel. Though miracles confirmed His authority, they weren’t His primary purpose. He didn’t come merely to heal bodies but to save souls. In a world that often equates success with popularity and crowds, Jesus stayed focused on His true calling: proclaiming the good news of the kingdom. His example reminds us that, as followers of Christ, our lives must be marked by both gospel devotion and gospel declaration.
Why was preaching the gospel so central to Jesus? Because He is the gospel. His mission didn’t end in Galilee but at Golgotha. The solitary prayer in Mark 1 foreshadowed another—at Gethsemane—where Jesus again withdrew to commune with the Father. But this time, the Father’s will was not to remove the cup of suffering. Hours later, Jesus would face a crowd—not one seeking healing, but one crying for His death. On the cross, He drank the full cup of God’s wrath, standing in the place of sinners. Yet, His mission didn’t end in death—on the third day, He rose, ascended to heaven, and now intercedes for His people.
So, what does this mean for us? First, the gospel transforms. Jesus offers eternal life and true healing to all who trust in Him. Second, devotion fuels service. Jesus’ time in prayer prepared Him for the mission ahead, and the same is true for us. May we follow His example, prioritizing communion with the Father and proclaiming the gospel with our lives. Let’s not settle for temporary distractions—let’s build our lives around what truly matters.
The prayers of Jesus in the Gospels
The Prayers of Jesus in the Gospels
Main Point – What’s important to Jesus, must be a priority to us.
Outline – Two priorities of Jesus
- Jesus prioritized communion with the Father (v35)
- Jesus prioritized preaching the Gospel (vv-36-39)
Study Questions
- Why does Mark emphasize that Jesus withdrew from the crowds after a busy day to pray? What does this reveal about His character and priorities?
- When you reflect on Jesus’ prayers in the Gospels, which passages stand out to you? How do they encourage you in your own prayer life?
- Why is it often challenging to prioritize intentional, sacrificial prayer? What practical disciplines can help you cultivate a consistent and meaningful prayer life?
- Charles Spurgeon once said, “Nine times out of ten, falling away from God begins with the neglect of private prayer.” Discuss the implications of neglecting prayer.
- Peter and the disciples saw Jesus’ withdrawal as a missed opportunity for ministry. In what ways do we sometimes think like Peter, prioritizing visible success over God’s greater purpose?
- Why was preaching the gospel such a priority for Jesus? How does this passage shape your understanding of the relationship between gospel deeds (acts of compassion) and gospel declaration (proclaiming the message of salvation)?
- What other passages in Scripture encourage you in the practice of private prayer? How do they shape your understanding of communion with God?