Why does Corporate Worship matter?
The Lord calls us to worship Him—but how should we respond? In His Word, we discover the elements that shape our worship gatherings and their significance in our daily lives. Through Scripture, we see how the gospel is intricately connected to our corporate worship. When we gather, we sing the gospel, speak the gospel, and see the gospel on display. Join us for a three-week series on corporate worship to explore these profound truths together.
Use the notes below to aid you in your study. There are also study questions to be used at home and in groups.
Does singing matter? Absolutely! The Bible contains over 400 references to singing and more than 50 commands to sing. As Christians, we are a singing people. God Himself sings, Jesus sang at the Last Supper, and Paul instructs the early churches to sing. Singing is a powerful expression of worship, and corporate singing is a gracious gift from God designed to strengthen our faith and trust in Him.
Psalm 96 invites us to explore the profound question: “What are we doing when we gather together and sing?”
Main Point – Sing to the Lord who saves!
Outline: Four Aspects of Corporate Singing
We sing to worship (v. 1).
We sing to instruct (v. 2).
We sing to witness (v. 3).
We sing as a response (vv. 4–5)
Study Questions
1. Why is singing so important in our worship? What are some reasons we might feel reluctant to sing?
2. Search for passages in the Old and New Testaments that encourage God’s people to sing. What common themes or purposes do you notice?
3. How does our singing serve as instruction? Why is this important? What are the implications of this?
4. In what ways is our singing missional? Why does this matter?
5. Why is singing a gospel issue?
6. How can you cultivate intentional and worshipful singing in your home, gospel community group, and church?